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Children’s Ski Teaching Level One Certification

The Children’s Ski Teaching Level One Certification  has been developed specifically for instructors who want to continue to develop and learn how to teach first timer children through to wedge turning children more effectively. It builds upon the information and experience gained through the Ski Level One Certification and aims to provide lots of fun and effective ways to teach children from the ages of 3 through to teens.


Length: 2 days

Certification resource: The NZSIA Ski Instructor’s Manual is required reading for this course.

Pre-requisites: You must be an associate member or full member and have Ski Level One Certification or foreign equivalent (see our FAQs).
Please note: if uncertified but working as an instructor you may apply to the Course Director to attend this course, you will be presented with a ‘record of attendance’ until Ski Level One Certification has been achieved.)

Assessment Process

The 2 day course includes modules on safety and group handling, the CAP model, student profiles, movement patterns, and application of the Children’s Teaching Model. The focus is to develop a better understanding of the whole child and to increase your ‘bag of tricks’. This course is assessed through a short teaching presentation to the group and an online multiple choice quiz.

Children’s Ski Teaching Level Two Certification

The Children’s Ski Teaching Level Two Certification has been specifically developed for instructors who want to continue to develop and learn how to teach intermediate to advanced children more effectively. It builds on the information and experience gained through the Children’s Ski Teaching Level One Certification and the Ski Level Two Certification and aims to provide lots of fun and effective ways to teach children from the ages of three through to teens.


Length: 2 days

Certification resource: The NZSIA Ski Instructor’s Manual is required reading for this course.

Pre-requisites: NZSIA Ski Level Two Certification, NZSIA Children’s Ski Teaching Level One Certification (or equivalents), and you must be an associate member or full member.

Assessment Process

The 2 day course includes modules on safety and group handling, the CAP model, student profiles, movement patterns, and application of the Children’s Teaching Model. The focus is to develop a better understanding of the whole child and to increase your ‘bag of tricks’. This course is assessed through successful completion of the eLearning component and lesson presentations with the group.


Name: Kerry Williams
Course and Resort: Children’s Ski Teaching Level Two Certification at Mt Hutt

“The course lived up to my expectations and indeed exceeded them. We had a particularly good trainer who had taken the course on a number of previous occasions. The weather wasn’t the best but that ended up being to our advantage because we had indoor sessions and when we did get onto the snow, because of the weather, we spent a lot of time focusing on the different ways of getting children safely down the hill.

We even had a real life incident where severe wind gust blew a group of children (who were under instruction at the time) away and we all pitched in to help, and so what was technically a theoretical course turned out to be a very practical one. I can’t speak highly enough about the course, particularly with regard my understanding of children and the teaching model. If you are looking for a level of comfort and assurance when teaching children then I can recommend the course to you.”

Name: Alexandra Watson
Course and Resort: Children’s Ski Teaching Level Two Certification at Mt Hutt

“I grew up in Methven and am currently a full-time student at Canterbury University. During the winter semester I teach skiing part-time at Mt Hutt. In my summer holidays I teach skiing at Beaver Creek, Colorado in the USA. I had a great two days on this course with a Trainer who was very enthusiastic about the subject and material he presented. The Trainer was also very focused on making sure we all enjoyed the course and understood the essence of the certificate. With the positive attitudes and a well-built rapport between all members of the group and the Trainer a great time and a lasting memory was created.“

Name: Dan Tydeman
Course and Resort: hildren’s Ski Teaching Level Two Certification at Treble Cone

“After passing my Stage One exam (now Ski Level Two Certification) I faced the prospect of teaching little kids from 6 yrs up at Winter Park, but having only really skimmed over teaching kids in previous certs, I thought it best to get more training in this area so I sat the Childrens Certification. It was a fantastic course and I got some awesome important information about teaching and dealing with young kids. Sitting this course helped me immensely the first time there were five little faces staring up at me, allowing it to not only be fun and exciting for them but more completely incident free.

I had some misgivings prior to the course as to quite what I was going to get out of it, but given my reluctance to teach children I thought it could only benefit me and also give me a better understanding as to how children function and more particularly about how I could relate to the ‘little monsters’.”