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Telemark Level One

This four-day course is designed for those looking to begin instructing telemark skiing and develop their own telemark skills. The course covers modules in presenting teaching techniques and progressions from first time telemarker up to& linking smooth turns, communication styles, telemark skier analysis, and telemark skiing demonstrations.

This certification gives you the ability to teach up to linked beginner turns course, however it has a large focus on personal telemark development. Even if you are not intending to become a Telemark Instructor, this course will give your personal Telemarking a boost. Technique is the key and we unlock the secrets for you. Telemark Level One will also contribute towards the second discipline requirement for ISIA. The Telemark Level one can be achieved by attending the 4-day block course or a 2+2 weekender course. The 2+2 is ideal for you if you think you need more time to practice.


Length: 4 days

Certification resource: The NZSIA Telemark Manual is required reading for this course.

Pre-requisites: You must be an associate member or full member of NZSIA and have the ability to telemark ski to an intermediate standard or above , feeling comfortable linking turns on intermediate terrain.

Assessment Process

Those able to demonstrate an understanding of teaching methodology, teach and demonstrate the learner progression and be comfortable telemark skiing  on intermediate terrain maintaining a good telemark form will achieve the Telemark Level One Certification.

If the course you are planning on taking is at Turoa or Whakapapa, please click here to watch an important safety video.


Name: Broken River Ski Club
Course and Resort: Telemark Level One

“I figured the Level One Telemark Instructor’s Course was a chance to improve my skiing and to help others free their heels. Greg and Marti are great teachers and the course is just the right mix of practical exercises and skiing wisdom. Some of it was pretty challenging. No, I did not want to ski without poles down the main tow at Broken River – but it did help my skiing. And how is this for profound wisdom? From Greg: “skiing is a series of linked recoveries”; from Marti: “turn left, turn right, repeat as necessary”. Can’t argue with that! The group and the instructors gelled right away. We had a lot of fun and the course definitely took our skiing up a several notches. The big surprise was passing the course on Friday and then having six people for a beginner’s lesson on Sunday! Thanks guys.”