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We had some new rules come in last year for the re-sit process in both Level Three and Trainers Certification. Here’s how it has changed…

You have to attend a Level Three Workshop (previously called ‘pre-course’) before you attempt the Level Three Exam for the first time.

If you are unsuccessful at the exam you do not have to partake in the Workshop again before re-sitting the exam, as long as you re-sit within the same or the following season. Your Workshop is only valid for two seasons.

If you pass two out of three components you can re-sit the one portion you missed within the same season. If you fail two out of three components you must re-sit all three components again.

If re-sitting the exam in the following year, no components can be carried over from the previous year. However, your Workshop is still valid as specified above.

The first day of the exam is a refresher and not compulsory for candidates who are re-sitting the exam, however it is highly recommended. The three components are Riding, Teaching and M.A.

This process is exactly the same for Trainers Certification.

Good luck everyone!