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SBINZ Snowboard Tech Team selection

The SBINZ Snowboard Tech Team selection ran over two days in Wanaka in October with selectors Keith Stubbs, Claire Dooney, Paul Philip and Ben Clarbrough. The crew of 17 who came along to try out were asked to present on snow whilst showing their ability to ride with...

SBINZ Women’s Initiative 2022

Firstly, a massive THANK YOU to all the women who filled in our survey last November. We’ve been working through the pages of answers over the summer and have a plan in place for the next two years. The goal… to increase the number of Level Three and...

SBINZ Riding Changes for 2021

In the end of season SBINZ Committee meeting last October, we did a big “self reflection” process of the riding standards throughout the whole system. We spent hours discussing the standards at each and every level, the barriers for members at those...

Snowboard Webinar Topics

Last night, Paul Philip delivered our second webinar in the series via Zoom to current members. The recording will be posted later this week before the third webinar is delivered next Sunday with Tony Macri. We then have three more webinars to deliver in June but...

Webinar Schedule for May

The schedule is out! Every Sunday for the next three weeks we’ll be delivering topical webinars specifically for NZSIA members. Paid-up members will receive an emailed zoom link approximately 48hrs before so they can tune in. The webinars will be recorded and...