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In light of the new ‘Development Fund’ we have decided to introduce an extra training day for those sitting the Ski Level Three exam – at no cost!

The Ski Level Three Preparation Day is a one day event scheduled just before every Level Three Exam. It is limited to those signed up for the Ski Level Three exam.

The purpose of this is to ski with a Level Three Examiner to prepare for the exam. The participants will have the opportunity to ski through some of the exam maneuvers, demos, and tasks on appropriate terrain. Feedback on candidates skiing will be given where appropriate and exam tactics discussed.

This day also provides an opportunity to discuss exam tactics and answer questions on the teaching, technical discussion and analysis portions of the exam.

The Ski level Three Prep days are free and open to all exam candidates who have signed up for the exam immediately proceeding the Prep day. These days are part of the NZSIA Executive initiative to develop NZSIA members working towards full-cert level and Trainers Certification.

Read more about the Level Three here.