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AGM – Election Reminder

A friendly reminder to the NZSIA members that the Annual General Meeting of NZSIA will be held at Peak Functions, 181/185 Upton St, Wanaka – 5.30pm – Thursday 16th June 2016.

Proposed Motions:
Any proposed motions and items of business from Members and  Board of NZSIA, including alterations to the constitution, must be received in writing by 4.00pm Thursday 12th May 2016.

Board Vacancies:
There are 2 positions on the board available for election:
President –  Peter Clinton-Baker will be running again for President.
Vice president – we are calling for nominations (Fiona Boyer will not be running again)

Suggested Qualities for these two Positions:
We recommend candidates are independent board members. Full-time employment in the Snowsports industry is not a requirement.
The role of a board member of the NZSIA carries responsibility across the areas of risk, liability, leadership and communication. A board member’s role is to always act in good faith and always with the best interests of the NZSIA.
Nominees will have the skills to engage in the development, approval and monitoring of NZSIA strategy.
An ideal candidate will be familiar with but not necessarily currently involved in snowsports currently. You will need to be a current NZSIA member.
Experience in one or more of the following areas is highly desirable:

  • Health  & Safety  Management
  • Organisational Management
  • People and Performance
  • Legal and Risk, international /NZ
  • Leading strategy and direction
  • Leadership of culture and values
  • Financial Management

Application for these Board Member positions must be received by the Executive Officer of NZSIA by 4.00pm 12th May 2016. Applications forms can be found here and online via download.

Quorum and Proxy Voting:

Under rule 16 of the Constitution, no less than 20 members of the Alliance being present shall constitute a quorum. All current members are entitled to vote. Proxies and electronic votes do not count towards the quorum.
If a member entitled to vote chooses to vote by appointing a Proxy to attend the AGM, the Member must sign a Proxy Form. Proxy Voting forms must reach the Executive Officer no later than 4.00pm 1st June 2016. These forms can be found here, and online via download.

Postal and Electronic Voting:

If a current Member wishes to vote by casting a Postal or Electronic Vote, they must use the NZSIA voting form/system, and reach the Executive Officer by no later than 4.00pm Thursday 9th June 2016. Electronic voting will be available via a link provided, and also available from the website, from 4.00pm 16th May – 4.00pm Thursday 9th June. Nomination forms, postal voting forms and proxy forms will available to download on our website.

The Returning Officer for the AGM will be Priscilla Duff, P.O Box 2283, Wakatipu, Queenstown 9349. Email:
If you have any questions, please call 034511534.

Date summary:
4.00pm Thursday 12th May 2016 – Deadline for Proposed Motions and Items of Business at AGM
4.00pm Thursday 12th May 2016 – Deadline for Nominations for the Board Positions
4.00pm Monday 16th May – 4.00pm Thursday 9th June – Electronic voting available
4.00pm Wednesday 1st June 2016 – Deadline for Proxy Votes
4.00pm Thursday 9th June 2016 – Deadline for all Postal and Electronic Votes
5.30pm Thursday 16th June 2016 – AGM – Wanaka

Our mailing address is:
P.O Box 2283
9349, Queenstown
