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Ever wondered how people get selected to go to Interski? The next event is a year and a half away but the process starts now. Here’s the low-down…

Location: Cardrona Alpine Resort
Date: 25th June
Time: 8.30am in the Noodle Bar (indoor presentations are likely to be in Wanaka, early evening)

NOTE: YOU MUST REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT (done through your membership login).

What is the SBINZ Techical Team?

This is a team of six people (one will be a committee member) that will be chosen to deliver clinics and educate instructors on the theories and methodology of the SBINZ. In the early parts of the 2018 season there will be a group of four people chosen from this team to become the Interski Team, who will represent SBINZ at the next Interski Congress in Bulgaria 2019. Whilst there, they will be delivering clinics to the other nations that are in attendance, attending clinics from the other associations around the world, as well as riding in various events and networking with many different nationalities.

The Technical Team tryout process

This will be a one-day tryout, open to all SBINZ Level Three and Trainers Cert qualified instructors.

Candidates will be evaluated on six different categories:

  1. Riding ability (various high-end tasks, given on the day)
  2. On-snow clinic delivery (topics will be given on the day)
  3. Indoor presentation (topic is “Your core belief in snowboarding as it pertains to SBINZ”)
  4. Networking/social skills
  5. Team work
  6. Communications

Show up and be prepared to ride, as well as discuss and illustrate any of the SBINZ’s theories and methodology in multiple formats. Make sure that you have a good understanding of what your core beliefs of Snowboarding in New Zealand is.

If you aren’t currently following SBINZ on social media make sure you do if you intend to tryout!

Results will be delivered to the candidates within two days of the tryouts. This allows the SBINZ Committee to review results from the selectors.

Good luck everyone!

Al the snowboard nations at the 2015 Interski in Argentina

All the snowboard nations at the 2015 Interski in Argentina