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We are on the hunt for Instructor of the Year 2018!! If you know of someone doing an outstanding job, we want to hear from you!!!

Reasons to nominate can include – exceptional achievements, outstanding performance, an on-going and incredible rapport with clients that is above the norm, teaching skills that stand out, being an inspiration to fellow instructors, an incredible long-time service to snowsports instruction in NZ, representing NZ snowsports above and beyond overseas.

The New Zealand Snowsports Awards night is Saturday 6th October in Wanaka.The winner (and guest) will be invited to receive the award with travel and accommodation to the event covered by NZSIA. The winner will also be given Life Membership for NZSIA – no more subs! This is a fantastic opportunity for NZSIA and SBINZ to showcase the teaching excellence that we have in our ranks.

Nominated person must be:

  • A current member of NZSIA
  • Instructing or coaching in a NZ Snowsports School for the 2018 winter season
  • Willing to make a short video presentation
  • Willing to attend the awards night
  • A worthy ambassador of NZSIA and SBINZ

Email us NOW if you think you have someone that meets the criteria!!! We really want to hear about our stars out there!! Nominations close 17th August.
To find out more about the process look here