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With the goal of increasing Terrain Park Cert. pass rates and making the courses more accessible, the SBINZ Committee have implemented some big changes to the Park and Pipe process.

Here’s what’s new…

1. Pipe is now in the Coaching Pathway

Due to limited access to halfpipes, the pipe element has now moved into the Development Coaches Certification.

Whilst this is very much a coaching-orientated certification, there will still be a minimum riding standard.

The pipe riding standard looks more at technique, instead of focusing on amplitude as the primary measurement. This means that candidates will be required to show the following pipe riding:

  • A clean run through the pipe with appropriate speed control and edging skills to be able to flatten your base through the transition and an edge change consistently in the vert.
  • A grab on both walls at or above the lip (can be done as a one-hitter).
  • Versatility tasks (below the lip of a Super pipe) options of Air-to-fakie or 360s. Or, in the mini pipe, a drop-in and out from deck-to-deck or a switch run.

2. Terrain Park Cert. Structure

The Terrain Park Cert has a two part process:

  • Two day workshop
  • One day exam
  • We currently have Park Modules scheduled at The Remarkables and Cardrona, with options to add more at Mt Hutt and Turoa if there is demand.

    3. Park Riding Focus

    There is only one main change in the park riding. This is that any spin can be performed off a medium sized jump (3-5m from lip to knuckle). This could be a 180, a 360, a switch spin or you could step it up if you’re feeling amped and capable. The focus here will be on perfect use of ATTL in which ever spin you choose.

    Note that both 360s are still required off a small park jump (2-3m from lip to knuckle).

    Read more about this here.


    Before attending the Terrain Park Workshop, you must complete the new Terrain Park E-learning, much the same as with our other certifications.

    This new e-learning course introduces the riding standards, looks at some basic park teaching methods and sets the scene for park analysis.

    To view this, login as a member, then navigate to the e-Learning area.

    Tony Macri tweaking his frontboard past 90. Photo by Keith Stubbs.