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Ollie Midgley is tall, half kiwi, half Aussie, smiley, fun to be around, passionate about snowboarding & teaching and NEVER has a bad day on snow. He is a talented rider, an invested coach & trainer and a fantastic role model for anyone in our industry. He started in the café, then joined the rookie instructor programme, passed his level 1 & 2 and then a few years later passed his level 3 at Mt Hutt. Fast forward to a few years later he’s now training instructors at Cardrona, an SBINZ examiner and national demo team member representing New Zealand Snowboarding at Interski in Bulgaria. This is an inspirational story of how someone with 100% stoke for the industry can progress right to the top. He always takes the time to engage anyone around him to share the stoke & passion about riding, training & being in the mountains. He is that way with everyone, from brand-new instructors, guests at every level and trainees. He is that guy that inspires everyone!