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September 2023 Update

NZSIA President – Daniel Bogue

I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have had the opportunity to collaborate with some exceptional teams throughout my life. The current team at NZSIA is no exception. Just like any great team, change is inevitable, and we’ve recently witnessed some noteworthy transitions.

Fiona Ryall has been an invaluable member of our team, lending her talents to the NZSIA office since 2017. Beyond her administrative role, Fiona also took on the responsibility of leading our Health and Safety initiatives. Her dedication has been remarkable in ensuring our Health and Safety systems meet the highest standards and successfully passing the H&S audit requirements. During her tenure, Fiona fully embraced the NZSIA ethos, achieving certifications at ski Levels 1 and 2, as well as certification in Children’s level 1 and adaptive level 1. She’s currently pursuing her Level 3 certification and has even taken on part-time teaching in the Southern Lakes. Fiona is leaving us to embrace a new challenge, and her absence will be keenly felt. We wish her all the best in her future endeavours.

Another significant change has been the transition of the Ski representative on our NZSIA Board. Colin Tanner has been a stalwart member of the board since 2013 and his experience will be greatly missed. Recently, Colin worked closely with Keith to implement the Ski division’s e-learning initiatives and contributed to the development and alignment of the new Ski division digital manual. While Colin is stepping down from the NZSIA Board, he remains an integral part of the ski division as a senior examiner, ensuring we’ll continue to benefit from his expertise.

Rachael Milner has served on the NZSIA Board as the Snowsports School Representative since 2015. She has played an instrumental role in NZSIA’s evolution since her arrival. Drawing from her experience at Cardrona/Treble Cone, Rachael has had a transformative impact on our HR processes. She has been a vital contributor to our Employment Committee and Health and Safety Committee, providing invaluable insights at every juncture. Rachael’s enduring legacy lies in the organisational core values she helped shape and create. Throughout our board meetings and decision-making processes, Rachael consistently guided us back to reflect on these core values. We’re sad to see her go but excited for her as she embarks on a new role at Park City. They’re indeed fortunate to have her, and we wish her the very best in her new role.

What I will forever remember and appreciate about Fiona, Colin, and Rachael is their unwavering commitment and dedication to NZSIA. They worked tirelessly alongside other NZSIA Board members and staff, guiding the organisation through some of its most challenging decisions. Although the days of COVID-19 may seem distant now, they played a crucial role in galvanising the NZSIA Board and charting a strategic course forward. While we’ll miss Fiona, Colin, and Rachel dearly, we hope to keep their numbers on speed dial just in case we need their valuable insights!!

As we work through these changes, we warmly welcome our new team members. Airini Edmonds, who has been with us since the start of the season, has already contributed to the Admin team’s efforts during this very busy season. We will evaluate how we shape our office workload as this season comes to an end.

Sarah Walls joins our NZSIA Board from the Ski Committee, and she has already demonstrated a keen interest in filling the gaps left by Colin’s departure. We eagerly anticipate working with Sarah and benefiting from the unique skills she brings to the table.

With Rachael’s departure, the Snowsports Schools will need to elect a new representative to the NZSIA Board. We will implement a process for the Snowsports Schools in 2024 once they have employed their Managers. The NZSIA will create a comprehensive Job Description to set expectations and fill the significant skill gap left by Rachael’s departure.



We have found our NZSIA Sustainability Champion!

It is with great pleasure that we welcome Clare Leyland to the team. Clare will support us on our sustainability journey as we aim to create further engagement and impact in this space.

An NZSIA member, Clare is hugely passionate about sustainability and has a desire to support environmental resilience within the snow sport industry and give back to the community that welcomed her. Clare has a Bachelor of Science majoring in Geography and Development Studies and works as a Carbon Analyst at CarbonCrop. Watch this space as to the actions we will be taking.

NZSIA Sustainability:


Seeking members for appointment to NZSIA Women’s Taskforce

Help NZSIA be part of positive change in the snowsports instruction industry.

Mission of the Women’s Taskforce: Empower and elevate women in snowsports through education, support, and advocacy.

As a Taskforce Member, you will: 

• Champion the cause of gender inclusivity and equality in the snowsports industry

• Collaborate with passionate leaders to gather data, propose ideas and drive change

• Be a bridge between membership and the executive team, advocating for meaningful strategies

• Help shape the future of women in leadership roles within NZSIA

Why Join? 

• Drive positive cultural change in divisions and the organisation

• Promote women in snow sports instruction and leadership roles

• Amplify voices, champion change and create a sense of belonging

• Work with diverse individuals who share your commitment to gender inclusivity

• Contribute to a more sustainable, equitable and empowered snowsports community

Do you have: 

• Passion for gender inclusivity and equality

• Strong organisational and communication skills

• Commitment to the snowsports industry’s positive transformation

• Represent diverse backgrounds, divisions and levels of membership

• Dedicated to a 2-year engagement for sustained impact

This Taskforce is open to ALL members who wish to apply. Link here for: Womens Task force Outline

Application Deadline: 18th September 2023

Apply Today! Help shape the future of women in snowsports.

Mons Royale

There has been a slight change to the Mons Royale member benefit – so we have the details below. For all member benefits, visit their website:

If you do not have an account with Mons – Visit to register. From the same email used to register, jump on their website to the contact us page and select the subject “Pro Deal”, list your full name, company, occupation and proof of industry association (proof of employment or membership id). You will receive an email back confirming your application. After that, you can shop at the discounted rate – 40%.

Booking on courses

Our season in New Zealand is all go for another month – still some availability on some courses. if you are keen, get booked on. If they are full, please ensure you get your name on the waitlist so we know who is interested. Once you are current, get booked on a course and get underway with your elearning. Check out your division calendars and see what is available:



Then we will start up our Northern Hemisphere Season!! We have a level one for Ski and Snowboard online to book in Niseko at the moment, with more courses to come online soon.

Enjoy the last few weeks of the season!!

Your NZSIA team