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Snowboard Level One

Snowboard Level One Certification is the entry-level instructor’s course aimed at people interested in joining the snowsports industry. The five-day course includes modules covering rider improvement, the teaching model, progressions for beginner students, guest service elements, teaching children, class handling and safety. Instructors qualified at this level of certification can teach up to making first turns on beginner terrain.


Length: 5 days

Certification resource: The SBINZ E-Manual is required reading for this course. The manual can be accessed through the Learning Portal (you will need to be logged in) or through the NZSIA member’s mobile app which can be downloaded for both Apple IOS and Android.

Prerequisites: You must be…

  • An associate member or full member
  • At least 16 years of age at the start of this course
  • Conversational level of English proficiency
  • A confident rider on easy blue groomed terrain, can show a mix of turn size and shape, can ride appropriate chair lifts safely.  Ride forwards & switch on green terrain. Already attempted basic freestyle: 50/50 on an easy ride on box, already had a go at spinning flatland 360’s both ways and can “Ollie” on green terrain.

** Before you take the Snowboard Level One you must complete an online e-learning course and quiz, based on information in the current Snowboard Instructor Manual. You can access the e-learning system through your member profile. Look at the course outline for further information. **

Assessment Process

Candidates riding is continually assessed during the five days. Candidates must be able to ride all blue groomed terrain with good form while using an efficient blend of movements and show good decision making relative to terrain, traffic and environmental conditions.

Skidded turn demonstration; on green terrain, both in their forward riding direction and in switch direction. Basic freestyle demonstrations; candidates will be required to perform a tidy 50-50 on a ride-on box and an Ollie on a green slope.

Versatility riding; Flat land / ground 360s in the fall line, and turn size / shape rhythm change task. These will be assessed on green or easy blue terrain.

Intermediate turns; demonstrating the ability to add board performance and use an active stance with an increased range of movement.

Candidates’ instructing ability is assessed during a 15-minute teaching presentation to other members of their group, Here the candidate presents a step from the beginner teaching content from the SBINZ manual (anything marked with a green circle).

Candidates’ rider analysis skills are developed during the week using a short written questionnaire accompanied by a rider on a video clip. An example of the questions can be viewed on the downloads page. The video clips of beginner riders used can be found here. This is for developmental purposes only and is not assessed (must be completed however).

To be successful in achieving this qualification you will need to pass all three components (riding, teaching, safety and professionalism).

If you are unsuccessful, we do offer partial re-sits. The following re-sit guidelines apply:

  • Riding – if unsuccessful here, you will need to be re-assessed for the first four days of the exam week.
  • Teaching – if unsuccessful here, you will need to re-attend the workshop, practice teaches for the first four days (afternoons)  & the teaching re-assessment on the fifth day of the exam week.
  • Safety and Professionalism – if you are unsuccessful within this element you will be required to re-sit the whole exam.